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  • star rating  Excellent Service. Clevens is very professional. We felt very safe and comfortable in our ride from the airport to the hotel and back,

    October 8, 2020
  • star rating  Willem transferred us from the airport to our hotel at the start of our holiday.
    He was very attentive, changed the music according to our age group!!!
    Highly recommend... read more

    March 21, 2023
  • star rating  Michael was great! Excellent service, on time and friendly. We had a very comfortable ride with AC and wifi - he even had cold bottled water for us. Got to... read more

    August 15, 2022
  • star rating  Rhadames Lopez was amazing! Friendly, fast, so so nice. Car was nice, offered us drinks, handled our bags. Highly recommend

    October 21, 2022
  • star rating  Wilmer Diaz was a great and accommodating driver. Made sure we were comfortable the whole ride and got us to the resort safely.

    September 15, 2022
  • star rating  Traveled with my wife, and two teenage boys (15/17). PCMI was amazing....they gave me information beforehand on getting Tourist Card so my family breezed a prepaid... read more

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    June 10, 2018
  • star rating  Everything you could ask for in a transportation service. Friendly staff and prompt service from the air port to hotel and return. Do not hesitate to use this service.

    February 16, 2020
  • star rating  Both pick ups were on time, the drivers very friendly and the car very nice. Truly a great experience!

    August 17, 2020
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